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New Work: Nuclear Threat Initiative

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It was just 50 years ago that the entire world found itself on the brink of nuclear war. Perhaps no other moment found the human race as close to destroying itself then during those 13 days when the USSR placed missile launchers on the island nation of Cuba.
Just launched yesterday to coincide with the presidential election, the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s 50th Anniversary site for the Cuban Missile Crisis remembers those tense days, but also look forward to now, a time when leaders in this country and abroad still have their hands poised above the launch button.
I worked to design the site with my new agency Home Front Communications, we also enlisted the 3D rendering firm Beatmap, who provided a stunning 3D rendering of a missile silo for the site.
The mission of the site is simple. Why are we still pointing all of these devastating weapons at each other when the cold war is long over? What would happen if there was an accidental launch? What if terrorists seized control of a launch station? All of these questions are both scary and important.
So please visit and share the site. Put it on the next president’s agenda to take his hand off the button.
Watch this teaser video now and head over to the site:

Below is the full length design of the site:
Full Length Design