Built Like A Tank
I just received new earbuds for my iPhone in the mail today. I am personally glad to be rid of the bad sounding, bright white, look at me I have an Apple product earbuds. They are called A-Jays 4’s they have really unique flat audio cables that don’t tangle very easily and importantly they have a built in remote control which is a feature I wanted to keep from the Apple default earbuds. Basically they look and sound great.
Interestingly they aren’t available in the US for the most part, so by all means check out their site here, great stuff:
What impressed me most about them wasn’t even the earbuds themselves. The box they came in is probably the most substantial packaging I have ever seen. My iPhone was shipped in a ripped brown paper bag by comparison.
Each layer of the casing is literally 1/16″ thick which is just crazy. The contents sit tightly packed in a little tray that slides into an outer section. Those two layers combined make it 1/8″ of solid plastic. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was run over by a car and everything inside was untouched.
You can consider me one satisfied customer right now. Personally don’t know why this company isn’t doing much better in the states. They definitely are doing something right. So if you are in the market for some new headphones or earbuds check them out!
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Hey Patrick!
Nice looking ‘new’ website!! Neat looking headphones too- I might be looking for a new set. I got a iPod nano- the little one that’s about an inch by an inch square. I don’t think I’m a fan of the white earbuds either- though, of course, I’m not much into the Apple products… 🙂
I enjoy the efforts you have put in this, appreciate it for all the great posts.
Greeting there admin, I basically needed to place a short note to express that I appreciated your specific blog post. Thanks!
Awesome post! I will keep an on eye on your blog.
Mhm, perfect layout :).