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  • Foggy Bottom Lights Out 03

    Lights Out In Foggy Bottom

    When I walked into Foggy Bottom station today things looked quite a bit different than usual. Turns out Pepco knocked out a generator and the station was running on emergency power. The trains were still running but almost all the lights and all of the escalators and displays were out. The metro employees did a…

  • Tsovet SVT-FW44 on the Wrist

    Time to get a watch

    It’s been a long time since I wore a watch. Not because I don’t like watches, I do its just that once I lost my previous one I held out hope that somehow I would find it and everything would go back to how it used to be. I really loved my old watch because…

  • A-Jays Four And Box

    Built Like A Tank

    I just received new earbuds for my iPhone in the mail today. I am personally glad to be rid of the bad sounding, bright white, look at me I have an Apple product earbuds. They are called A-Jays 4’s they have really unique flat audio cables that don’t tangle very easily and importantly they have…

  • Pajama Day at SmithGifford

    Ever Had A Picture of You in A Newspaper, in your PJs?

    I just did. True, I am in the back, but that is just because I am one of the taller guys in the office. That, and I didn’t happen to have a waffle on hand at the time. Even when we’ve just rolled out of bed we make it look good at SmithGifford.