Melwood Print

Melwood's Opportunity at the Washington DC Auto Show

Melwood is a non profit organization that provides job training, employment, housing, recreation, and life skills resources to people with disabilities. In order to fund almost all their work they rely on car donations from the general public. Smithgifford teamed up with Melwood to try and raise their profile in the public’s eye. People often donate their cars and have little idea where the resources really go.
In order to get the message out about Melwood Smithgifford concepted and produced a television spot introducing a new car model, the 2011 Melwood Opportunity. We want people to understand that when you donate a car what you are really doing is donating an opportunity to someone with disabilities who is in need.
The TV Spot:
To support the television campaign Smithgifford decided to place a print ad and open a booth at the 2011 Washington DC Auto show. We would showcase the Melwood Opportunity as if it was a brand new car being introduced in the market. We even created a custom microsite just like a real car model would have. People would be attracted to a car that stuck out like a sore thumb among all the latest and greatest car models. Most importantly a lot of people would have a chance to hear our message.
My role in this project was as designer of the print ad and the booth graphics. In addition I went to the auto show to set up the booth in the space.

Melwood Print
Print ad in the auto show program

Melwood Microsite
2011 Melwood Opportunity Microsite

To visit the microsite click here
Setting Up
Setting up the booth

Centering Everything
Getting the Opportunity just right

Melwood Booth
Booth wall set up

All Set Up
Booth looking good

Center View
Everything lined up just right

Melwood Plate
Custom license plate

Everyone on the team is looking forward to the show and getting the word out about Melwood. So come on down to the Washington DC Auto show to stop in and say hi!